1984'2, p.5
Likhachev Â. Ò.
Education of the individual in the Developed Socialist Society and urgent tasks in pedagogics and educational psychology

In the history of the human society there have developed six levels of interaction between psychology and pedagogics: practical-utilitarian, abstract-idealist, empirical-materialistic, anthropological, pragmatic, and dialectical-materialistic. The last of them assumes that both psychology and pedagogics are independent and interacting parts in the science of society with the subject-matter developed in accordance with the laws of social development. Typical errors which occur in studies as a result of insufficient attention to the specificity of the subject-matter and regularities of the two disciplines are discussed. At the core of them there is always substitution of the pedagogical research with the psychological one and of the psychological research with the pedagogical one. General and particular aspects in the subject-matter, laws and contradictions, as well as problems of interaction between pedagogics and psychology in both theoretical and applied research are discussed.