1983'1, p.66
Khomskaya E. D.
Methodological and theoretical psychological issues in A. R. Luria's works

The article provides an analysis of A.R. Luria's contribution to the development of Marxist psychology and to the development of general methodological and theoretical psychological problems. Theoretical and experimental findings of A.R. Luria in the following fields are described: social, social-historical, biological, and genetic determination of man's psyche; mediation of higher psychological functions by signs-symbols; system organization of psychological functions and of the mind in general; brain mechanisms of the mind; relative contribution of the psychological and of the physiological, of the practical and of the conceptual in the development of a psyche. Common psychological programme which unites A.R. Luria's work with works of L.S. Vygotsky and A.N. Leontiev and which constitutes the content of a single scientific school is also presented and analyzed.