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of #5 2023





Methogology and theory



Nestik T.A. Social imagination as a psychological phenomenon


Dorfman L.Ya. Holonomic perspective of the development of integral individuality



Developmental and pedagogical psychology



Bayanova L.F., Dolgikh A.G., Nechaeva D.M. The relationship of the music lessons and executive functions in preschoolers aged 5–6



Thematic reports



Dekhtiarenko A.A., Shliagina E.I. Long-term orientation as a predictor of psychological well-being



Memorable dates



Karpova N. L., Petrova E.A. Scientific school of A.A. Bodalev


Stepanova M.A. Pedagogical psychology for teachers (on the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.F. Talyzina)



History of psychology



Mazilov V.A., Kostrigin A.A. Representation of K.D. Ushinsky’s psychological ideas in the history of Russian psychology (based on publications of the late 19th – early 20th centuries)



Experimental research



Yanshin P.V. Therapeutic projection: the image of information as a way of influencing the client’s self-image


Medyntsev A.A., Vlasova A.S., Kosolapova D.V., Shipilova E.S. The influence of an implicit skill on the example of associative tasks with a selection of letters


Danilenko O.I., Bykhovskaya A.V. Correction of the subject’s self-attitude via feedback regarding his personal resources






Kornienko D.S., Rudnova N.A. Preliminary psychometric properties of the Item Reduced Comprehensive General Parenting Questionnaire






 Psychology in general

 Pedagogical psychology

 Social psychology



 Higher mental functions

  of pre-schoolchildren

  of schoolchildren

 Psychology of training

  of the individual

 Psychology and practice



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