Kossov B. B.

(# 03'1)

Kossov Â. Â. : Typological peculiarities in the work style of leaders differing in the efficiency 83'5 p.126

Kossov Â. Â. : Psychological problems of labour education and vocational orientation 84'6 p.16

Kossov B. B. : Generalization of higher education contents as a factor of its development 95'6 p.9

Kossov B. B. : Personality: Actual problems of systematic approach 97'6 p.58

Kossov B. B. : Systems-styled personality conception: its check-up new dimensions 00'6 p.57

Kossov B. B. : Some laws of perception, differentiation and identification of simple and complex objects 03'1 p.50

The authors