Konovalov V. F.

(# 87'4)

Konovalov V. F. , Burkovetskaya Zh. I. : Peculiarities of functioning of the "biological clock" in schoolchildren 83'3 p.106

Konovalov V. F. , Otmakhova N. A. : Peculiarities of the inter-hemispheric interaction in acquisition of information 84'4 p.96

Konovalov V. F. , Serikov I. S. : A study of the hemispheric interaction in children engaged in mnestic activity 86'1 p.137

Konovalov V. F. , Zhuravliov G. I. , Serikov I. S. : Quality of simple and complicated forms of memory as a function of age and sex 87'4 p.139

The authors