Kholmogorova A. B.

(# 07'1)

Kholmogorova A. B. , Garanyan N. G. : Culture, emotions and psychic health 99'2 p.61

Oslon V. N. , Kholmogorova A. B. : A professional foster family as one of the most attractive solutions for orphans in Russia 01'3 p.79

Oslon V. N. , Kholmogorova A. B. : Psychological monitoring of the professional replacement family 01'4 p.39

Kholmogorova A. B. , Volikova S. V. , Polkunova E. V. : Family factors of depression 05'6 p.63

Volikova S. V. , Kholmogorova A. B. , Galkina A. M. : Parental perfectionism as a factor of emotional disorders in children who are taught more sophisticated curricula 06'5 p.23

Kalina O. G. , Kholmogorova A. B. : Influence of the father image on emotional well-being and sex-role identity of adolescents 07'1 p.15

The authors