Karabanova O. A.

(# 07'4)

Burmenskaya G. V. , Kurbatova M. B. : Experimental-psychological analysis of J. Piaget s method of "cognitive teaching" 83'2 p.113

Burmenskaya G. V. : Problems of experimental study of psychological development in present-day psychology in the U. S. A. (in Russian) 85'4 p.155

Burmenskaya G. V. : Sattler J. M. Assessment of childrens intelligence and special abilities (in Russian) 86'1 p.171

Burmenskaya G. V. : Typological analysis of the ontogenesis of individual differences 02'2 p.5

Burmenskaya G. V. : A study of individual differences by means of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions and notions 02'5 p.89

Burmenskaya G. V. , Evdokimova L. V. : Formation of combinatory thinking in primary schoolers and adolescents 07'2 p.30

Asmolov A. G. , Burmenskaya G. V. , Volodarskaya I. A. , Karabanova O. A. , Salmina N. G. : The cultural historical activity systems paradigm for designing standards of school education 07'4 p.16

Asmolov A. G. , Burmenskaya G. V. , Volodarskaya I. A. , Karabanova O. A. , Salmina N. G. : The cultural historical activity systems paradigm for designing standards of school education 07'4 p.16

The authors