Borisova E. M.

(# 98'5)

Borisova E. M. : Bizhkov G. Methodology and methods in pedagogical investigations (in Russian) 85'1 p.176

Borisova E. M. , Loginova G. P. : Diagnosis of mental development of schoolchildren on the basis of qualitative analysis of test results 86'2 p.149

Borisova Ye. M. , Gourevitch K. M. : Psychological diagnostics . in vocational guidance at school 88'1 p.77

Akimova M. K. , Borisova E. M. , Kozlova V. T. : Actual problems of psychological diagnostics (in Russian) 89'5 p.182

Borisova E. M. : Practicum on juristic psychology (in Russian) 91'2 p.168

Borisova E. M. , Loginova G. P. , Mdivani M. O. : Diagnostics of managerial abilities 97'2 p.112

Borisova E. M. : The principles of psychodiagnostics (in Russian) 98'5 p.126

The authors