Bogdanchikov S. A.

(# 07'2)

Bogdanchikov S. A. : Unknown G. I. Chelpanov (in Russian) 94'1 p.27

Bogdanchikov S. A. : On early works of I. V. Strakhov 95'5 p.100

Bogdanchikov S. A. : Why was G. I. Chelpanov discharged? (Historiography of the fact) 96'1 p.85

Bogdanchikov S. A. : G. I. Chelpanov's scientific and administrative activity in Kiev University 98'2 p.126

Amirova V. R. , Bogdanchikov S. A. , Ivanov L. N. : Psychodiagnostics of high risk of alcoholization groups among students (in Russian) 99'5 p.140

Bogdanchikov S. A. : The fate of eidetics in Soviet psychology (in Russian) 01'2 p.110

Bogdanchikov S. A. : The forgotten congress (The first congress on studying human behaviour) 02'3 p.89

Bogdanchikov S. A. : A. R. Luria and psychoanalysis 02'4 p.84

Bogdanchikov S. A. : Enchmen's phenomenon 04'1 p.144

Bogdanchikov S. A. : On the subject of the term "Soviet psychology" 06'2 p.80

Bogdanchikov S. A. : Russian idealistic psychology of 1920-ies 07'2 p.152

The authors